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Use of artificial intelligence in psychiatry
Use of artificial intelligence in psychiatry
Posted by Clear on 26.02.2025, 08:25 78 0

Use of artificial intelligence to generate a text describing the model of formation of anti-relapse behaviour in persons with schizophrenic disorders

Gutkevich E.V., Bokhan N.A., Vladimirova S.V., Mochalova E.I.

Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia E-mail:

One important element of artificial intelligence (AI) is processing large amounts of data. AI can be used to analyze medical data, predict diseases, and build various models, including clinical and psychological ones.

Work on the creation of a multi-level clinical and psychological model of the formation of anti-relapse behaviour in mental and addictive disorders was started by researchers at the Mental Health Research Institute in 2014 by proposing the term “anti-relapse behaviour”. Since 2016, a comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific study has been carried out on developing and introducing an innovative clinical and psychological model, with the achievement of planned results and their processing, which made it possible to implement them in practice. The AI program, highlighting the stages of using artificial intelligence in the construction of a clinical-psychological model, confirmed the scientific relevance of the clinical-psychological model for the formation of maintenance therapy and anti-relapse behaviour for schizophrenia spectrum disorders, which we created as an integrated approach, including joint work of medical specialists, patients, their relatives and the general population. This model, as generated by AI and in which it can be used, includes several stages, each of which has its specific tasks and methods of work.

The three stages proposed by AI and initially identified by our research are as follows: 1) maintenance therapy - at this stage, regular maintenance therapy is carried out, which helps patients maintain psychological well-being and prevent relapses of mental disorders; 2) formation of anti-relapse behaviour - at this stage, patients learn anti-relapse behaviour skills that allow them to avoid situations that can lead to relapses and effectively respond to emerging problems; 3) support for social adaptation - at this stage, patients receive help in adapting to new living conditions and support in the social sphere.

Topic: Psychopathology


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