General health can not be without mental health (World Health Organization)
chips or what people like to read about
One day, it dawned on me what attracted people to me. I always fed them deliciously, and everyone liked it, so I decided to post the recipe for my new dish on Twitter. Since then, I have been getting views because this is a basic need, including for me. I can cook well from nothing, I'm skilled in developing new dishes, which I cook with pleasure, and I feed people with the same pleasure.
The study of human personality helps me grow. Although I did not immediately understand that it is not always necessary to test myself, I gained a huge experience that helps me make choices in my life. My personal growth also allowed me to understand that principles sometimes need to be changed because they are too rigid to understand people and accept them as they are. You need to be able to defend your boundaries.
Чипсы из минтая или о чем любят читать люди
Просто однажды до меня дошло, чем я всегда привлекала людей,
я их всегда вкусно кормила, это нравится всем, и решила выложить рецепт своего
нового блюда в Твиттер, и с тех пор у меня пошли просмотры, потому что это
базовая потребность, в том числе и у меня. Я умею хорошо готовить из ничего,
умею придумывать блюда, готовлю с удовольствием и с тем же удовольствием
on March 8
08.03.2025, 18:02